Meditation Creator

AA Meditation

Create Your Unique AA Meditation

Your favorite places, people, what you like about them, your strengths. It can help to also add why you like them. The AI will use this to create and personalize the meditation.

Describe your goals for this AA meditation. Are you seeking serenity, connection with a higher power, or strength in your recovery? Sharing your specific needs will help our AI create a more personalized AA meditation experience.

Price: $10

Frequently Asked Questions:

How does the guided personalized meditation creation work?

- You write specific details about yourself that you want to be brought up in the guided meditation.
- You pay and we generate a guided personalised meditation mp3 using AI.
- After the generation is over you can download the meditation mp3 and keep it forever.
- The guided meditation will be around 4 minutes and will be customized with your particular information, that you wrote in the form.

What Sets Us Apart?

- Uniquely Yours: Every meditation is crafted to resonate with your personal experiences, preferences, and goals. No generic scripts – just pure, personalized guidance.
- Quick and Easy: Tell us about yourself, and we'll do the rest.
- More Meaningful: Your personal details make the meditation powerful. You'll connect with it deeply.
- Lasting Value: For a small price, you receive a professionally produced MP3 file that's yours to keep forever. Replay your personalized session anytime, anywhere.

Why choose personalized AA meditations?

- Tailored to your specific recovery needs
- Deeper connection with AA principles
- Enhanced spiritual growth and awakening
- Personalized approach to maintaining sobriety
- Strengthened commitment to the 12-step program

What should I write in the first textbox?

More details lead to a more meaningful meditation. Specific information guides the AI to craft a truly custom and unique experience.
For example:
- My favourite place is the park near my home because the nature relaxes me.
- I like to travel because gives me new experiences and makes me feel free.
- I love my mother because she is always there for me and I can tell her anything.
- I love my dog because he is always happy to see me and makes me feel loved.
- I like that I am a good partner because I can support my loved ones and make them happy.

What should I write in the second textbox?

For example:
- I want to find inner peace and serenity to help maintain my sobriety in challenging situations.
- I want to deepen my connection with my higher power as part of my recovery journey.
- I want to meditate on the Serenity Prayer to internalize its wisdom in my daily life.
- I want to strengthen my resolve and commitment to the 12 steps through meditation.
- I want to cultivate gratitude and mindfulness to support my ongoing recovery.

Is my meditation data private?

Your data privacy is one of the core pillars of the project. We try to keep it as little as possible. Even during the generation of the mp3, when one step is over we delete the data from the previous step. For example when the meditation text is done we delete the inputs you wrote, and so on. The meditation mp3 is also only kept for a limited period of time.

How do I make a suggestion or report a problem?

Use our contact page.